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Gender+ is a two-year Erasmus+ KA2 project which has developed governance and benchmarking tools to improve gender inclusivity within VET (Vocational Education and Training).

Project goals
Gender Positive Charter


Research was carried out into best practices in gender positive provision across the European VET sector, with common features and approaches analysed in an eBook. This fed into a series of minimum requirements which a gender positive organisation needs to follow. These requirements have been presented in a ‘Gender Positive Charter’.

Benchmarking Tool


The findings from our initial research were used as the foundation for the development of an interactive assessment tool for VET organisations to benchmark their current gender inclusion policies. This highlights areas for improvement and how these can be addressed (e.g. what institutional changes, training etc. is needed). The results from this tool also map across to the Charter, showing an organisation the extent to which they meet the minimum requirements.

 Gender Champion Skills Profile and Resources


 Appointing a Gender Champion is a key feature of gender positive provision. This output involved field research with equality and diversity leaders, HR professionals, VET organisational leaders etc. to identify what the needs and profile of such a role would be; information which has been presented in a formal skills profile. This research has also informed other resources (guides, service-set up tools etc.) to help VET organisations establish such a role. These resources are presented on this website alongside the Benchmarking Tool and Charter.

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This project is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Project No: 2018-1-UK01-KA202-048039. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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